Wednesday 22 April 2009

What is it with black people and fried chicken?

Is it a stereotype to say that ALL black people like fried chicken? Yes, probably. But it must have come from somewhere. Yes, a few stupid Irish people came to England, not all French people are hairy and smelly and lazy, Germans don't all want to start wars.

But where did this fascination with 'Fried Chicken' start?

It definitely wasn't Africa.

Have you been to Africa? I have.

Have you seen Africa on the National Geographic Channel where they follow a tribe?

They go on the hunt:

"Eh, eh, what you catch?"

"Ah chicken!"

"What da fuck? where is the zebra? the elephant? the monkey? a fuckin chicken? ah cant believe it!"

You don't see any self respecting tribesman coming home from a hunt thinking:

"Hmmm hmmm hmmm, am gonna have some fried chicken."

All the chickens I saw in Kampala were free range. People didn't feed them. They ate off the rubbish tips. They ate plastic!

I see fried chicken as a conspiracy.

It's the "white man's" way of making black people FAT and KILLING them.

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) - southern states;
Dixie Fried Chicken (DFC) - southern states;
Tennessee Fried Chicken (TFC) - southern states.

Fuck you might as well be eating KKKFC! (Klu Klux Klan Fried Chicken). You don't see New York Fried Chicken or Chicago Fried Chicken. It's all the old confederate states.

Damn Dixie Fried Chicken has the confederate flag on it's advertising!

"Those Yankee abolitionist bastards got us goood pop, wot we go do?"

"Fried chicken son. We is gonna make them fat and giv them heart disease with fried chicken!"

Look at Colonel Sanders. You can't get more white than that. The motherfucker's hair is white, he's got a white moustache, a white suit and white shoes...only thing he ain't wearing is his white pointy hat!

Enough of the conspiracy theories.

Did you know that in the US more black males and females die from heart disease than any other group?

The American Heart Association ( statistics showed that in 2005:

Final death rates from Cardio Vascular Disease per 100,000 people were 324.7 for white males and 438.4 for black males; for white females 230.4 and for black females 319.7.

Ain't so finger lickin good now is it?


  1. Great, I had KFC for dinner tonight before I read this.....never again!!!!!

  2. I watched a documentary recently, I can't remember the name of it but it mentioned that it was the Scottish that first introduced Fried Chicken to the world...Apparently, when the first Scottish settlers arrived in America they brought with them this whole new way of cooking chicken...if you think about it, the further up north you go the more variety of deep fried food you get. I.e deep fried Mars bars, Haggis etc...
