Friday 5 June 2009

Bull sheet!

Ok, where to start?

Knee start giving way.

Went to see my local GP. Wonderful doctor, probably one of the nicest I've ever been to. Very thorough. Advised I rest knee, take anti-inflammatories and come back in a month.

Did that still having knee problems so she sorted out an appointment the following week to see an orthopaedic surgeon.

Surgeon said, after examination, that meniscus was torn and that there might be some damage to anterior cruciate ligament but wouldn't know until arthroscopy was done. Was going to book me in at the weekend to do the surgery. However, I had a holiday to Bali to go on so decided against it. Booked in for April 27th (surgeon was going to come in during his holiday to do it).

Day after getting back from Bali. Some cunt knocks me off my bike. Spend 2 weeks off work. Also have to postpone my surgery as my hips would not be fully healed.

Surgery rescheduled for 16th June. Knee still giving me problems. Can't kneel on it. Can't play football (shut up those of you that say I never could play football!), can't run or do weights on legs.

Called into head's office at work. School won't allow me time off during term time for surgery. Surgery only allowed during term time if it's emergency. Need to have it done during the summer holidays.

Friend tells me about a surgeon in London. Top class guy works with Arsenal and a few other sporting organisations. Look into having it done in London whilst I'm home.

Surgeon can see me on the 16th July so change flights to make sure I'm there before then to have my pre-op consultation. Heading home on the 9th July. Works out well as insurance will cover me to have the procedure done in the UK, although I have to pay up front and then claim back...nearly 2,500GBP!

Have MRI scan done so that surgeon can get an idea of what needs to be done. Costs me, $870 about 400GBP which I have to pay in advance and claim back! Lots of paying and claiming back, my bank loves me and my credit card bill!

MRI shows torn meniscus and possible ACL damage. Surgeon says that if ACL repair required then I will need to have arthroscopy done in different hospital which means cost will be different. Arthroscopy in new hospital will be 2,800GBP which is more than what the insurance will cover me for, however, if I need the ACL repair it will cost me 4,500GBP. Which could mean me having to pay 1,500GBP myself to have the op done!

Options are running out.

Could have op in RIPAS (local hospital), but then I would not be able to take my flight to KL and then London as would be too soon after the op! So that would mean cancelling all flights and the hotel to Vanessa's wedding.

Could go to London as planned and have the op and pay the extra myself. But then the extra recovery time if ACL repair was done would mean that I would need to change my flights back to Brunei (extra cost) and would miss the start of the academic year.

Could just not have the op done. Wait until I come home in 2010 and go on the NHS. But that means going a year without being able to use my legs properly or to do stuff. No football, jujitsu, running....etc.

Did I mention that right in the middle of all of this my landlord has given me until the end of the month to move out. Apparently, 'I'm difficult!' Must have been when I kicked up a fuss when his workers, who were working on the bathroom, managed to send water through the ceiling onto my xbox.

School don't seem to give a fuck about finding me accommodation and have said there's nothing out there at the moment. Funny, since they are taking a new member of staff , who doesn't start until August, to find an apartment tomorrow!!!

I love working abroad, where you are completely at the mercy of your employer, you have no union and no recourse or means of making a complaint. They don't have to do shit. And what can you do? if you break the contract you have to pay them money!

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