Tuesday 7 April 2009

Australian canine castaway found

A pet dog which was washed overboard and believed drowned has been found four months later - as a castaway on a remote Australian island.

Sophie Tucker - named after the famous US entertainer (you know that famous entertainer born in Russia in 1884, did the film Honky Tonk in 1929) - vanished as Jan and Dave Griffith sailed through stormy waters off Queensland last November.

But unknown to her grieving owners, the plucky dog survived a long swim across shark-infested waters to an island. There she lived on a diet of baby goats until being found by visiting rangers.

The Griffiths were amazed to hear of the discovery and have now been reunited with their pet.

"She surprised us all," said Jan Griffith. "She was a house dog and look what she's done, she wriggled her way out of the sack, has swum over five nautical miles, she has managed to live off the land all on her own. We wish she could talk, we truly do."

Let us recap:
-Dog on boat
-Dog falls in water (bit about the sack probably not true)
-Dog swims 5miles through shark infested water
-Dog builds shelter
-Dog eats baby goats
-Dog finds footprint
-Dog sees man and calls him Friday (wait, wait getting mixed up)
-Dog survives for 4 months before being returned to owners
-Owners are amazed that she survived, however, they still "...wish she could talk".

Delusional or just watching too much That's Life? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrX-Yv8gLB8

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