Monday 6 April 2009

Blog One - April 09

So this is the first, and possibly only, installment of my blog.

I'm going to use it as a forum to vent about anything and everything in life. So if you have a topic you'd like my learned opinion on then please be sure to let me know.

As some of you may know I've been living in Brunei now since August 08 and have been transported around by Sarah absolutely everywhere. Apart from one time when we rowed and I had to take 2 buses home - not something I'd recommend doing more than once (the bus ride that is). I thought it was about time I got my own transportation.

I picked up my 49.5cc (not even 50cc) scooter on Friday at about 9am and by 9.20am was sprawled out on the tarmac after some eejit (gonna try and keep the swearing to a start with) turned left when he shouldn't have. Obviously after 9months in the country I have a firm grasp of the local lingo and proceeded to explain to him in my best Behasa Melayu (Malay) the error of his ways. Before I explain in further detail I would like to explain a few of the words

tidak - no
kiri - left

Eejit from car: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see, I didn't see.
Me on tarmac: tidak kiri, you fucking idiot. Tidak kiri, tidak kiri you prick!

Pretty impressed with myself really. 9months in and I can already deal with a road traffic accident.

1 comment:

  1. Why am I feeling sorry for the other bloke?
