Tuesday 7 April 2009

Spray for 'six times longer' sex

A spray can help men with premature ejaculation problems prolong the length of time they have sex by six times.

Men who used the treatment five minutes before having intercourse extended their love-making from half a minute to almost four minutes, trials showed.

The spray, developed at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, contains local anaesthetics that numb the penis. Bit like sitting on your arm until it goes numb before you have a wank?

Lead researcher Professor Wallace Dinsmore said: "Premature ejaculation can be a very distressing condition for men and can cause distress, frustration and make them avoid sexual intimacy." (it's only distressing as we feel we're not going to get to have sex again)

Paula Hall, a counsellor for Relate, said: "This might particularly help men who have problems with premature ejaculation related to anxiety."

Quite interesting really. Not that I need a spray, I mean I'm happy with my minute - which can sometimes be 2 minutes depending on how slowly I walk to the bedroom.

Are you really going to be less anxious with your partner if you have to excuse yourself 5 minutes before hand and spray yourself?
Is it a bit like going to the dentist and having a filling? They inject you and make you sit in the waiting area. Then call you in poke your mouth and ask if you can feel anything.

Plus if your cock is numb how exactly are you going to enjoy it?

"Oh baby is that good for you?"
"Er, yeh I think so. Does it still feel hard to you?"

Plus what happens when he goes for a piss after sex is it still numb?

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